Nov 10, 1984
Manchester Apollo (Manchester, England)
Tour Rarity Rank: 29th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
4th of July(Intro)
1. 11 O'Clock Tick Tock
30 of 104
363 of 450
2. I Will Follow
33 of 107
394 of 1061
3. Wire
16 of 82
16 of 82
4. MLK
15 of 89
15 of 321
5. The Unforgettable Fire
28 of 102
28 of 259
6. Surrender
34 of 37
128 of 145
7. Two Hearts Beat as One
33 of 58
113 of 145
8. Seconds
33 of 107
113 of 189
9. A Sort of Homecoming
18 of 87
18 of 115
10. Sunday Bloody Sunday
34 of 110
138 of 948
11. The Cry
32 of 106
267 of 362
12. The Electric Co.
with "Amazing Grace" snippet
32 of 107
302 of 508
13. Bad
16 of 90
16 of 564
14. October
33 of 108
178 of 399
15. New Year's Day
33 of 108
135 of 816
16. Pride (In the Name of Love)
33 of 110
33 of 1026
17. Trash, Trampoline and the Party GirlEncore
31 of 71
94 of 200
18. GloriaEncore
37 of 110
228 of 441
19. 40Encore
34 of 109
119 of 492