Mar 17, 1982
The Ritz (New York, New York)
Tour Rarity Rank: 14th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Gloria
73 of 88
76 of 441
2. Another Time, Another Place
57 of 61
139 of 143
3. I Threw a Brick Through a Window
64 of 76
68 of 164
4. A Day Without Me
26 of 39
76 of 173
5. An Cat Dubh
65 of 75
160 of 260
6. Into the Heart
65 of 75
159 of 259
7. Rejoice
66 of 79
68 of 83
8. The Cry
61 of 74
129 of 362
9. The Electric Co.
with 'Send in the Clowns' snippet
63 of 76
161 of 508
10. I Fall Down
64 of 75
81 of 195
11. October
54 of 56
55 of 399
12. Tomorrow
2 of 3
2 of 157
13. I Will Follow
85 of 101
244 of 1061
14. Twilight
55 of 61
155 of 257
15. Out of Control
63 of 76
213 of 440
16. FireEncore
44 of 50
239 of 553
17. 11 O'Clock Tick TockEncore
with 'Give Peace a Chance' snippet
52 of 66
227 of 450
18. The OceanEncore
46 of 55
146 of 240