Aug 31, 1981
Coasters (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Tour Rarity Rank: 6th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. With a Shout
5 of 5
5 of 30
2. Twilight
72 of 72
100 of 257
3. I Will Follow
153 of 153
159 of 1061
4. An Cat Dubh
90 of 90
95 of 260
5. Into the Heart
89 of 89
94 of 259
6. Another Time, Another Place
69 of 69
82 of 143
7. I Threw a Brick Through a Window
3 of 3
3 of 164
8. The Cry
68 of 68
68 of 362
9. The Electric Co.
with 'Yankee Doodle' snippet
85 of 85
98 of 508
10. Things to Make and Do
last performance ever
71 of 71
74 of 74
11. Stories for Boys
84 of 84
137 of 176
12. Boy-Girl
with 'I'm a Believer' snippet
48 of 48
95 of 97
13. Out of Control
78 of 78
149 of 440
14. FireEncore
12 of 12
195 of 553