Jun 17, 1983
Los Angeles Sports Arena (Los Angeles, California)
Tour Rarity Rank: 57th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Out of Control
62 of 80
304 of 440
2. Twilight
60 of 77
234 of 257
3. An Cat Dubh
27 of 45
209 of 260
4. Into the Heart
27 of 45
208 of 259
5. Surrender
62 of 80
76 of 145
6. Two Hearts Beat as One
62 of 80
62 of 145
7. Seconds
62 of 79
62 of 189
8. Sunday Bloody Sunday
66 of 85
84 of 948
9. The Cry
61 of 77
219 of 362
10. The Electric Co.
63 of 79
254 of 508
11. I Fall Down
61 of 75
166 of 195
12. October
60 of 75
130 of 399
13. New Year's Day
66 of 85
82 of 816
14. Gloria
66 of 84
173 of 441
15. Trash, Trampoline and the Party GirlEncore
52 of 63
52 of 200
16. 11 O'Clock Tick TockEncore
60 of 76
316 of 450
17. I Will FollowEncore
63 of 82
341 of 1061
18. 40Encore
65 of 83
66 of 492