Feb 10, 1978
Mount Temple Comprehensive School (Dublin, Dublin)
Tour Rarity Rank: 7th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Street MissionTour DebutSong Debut
1 of 8
1 of 9
2. The Fool
2 of 6
2 of 8
3. What's Going OnCover
2 of 2
2 of 39
4. 2-4-6-8 MotorwayCover
2 of 6
2 of 7
5. Anarchy in the U.K.Cover
2 of 4
2 of 5
6. Dancing in the Moonlight (It's Caught Me in Its Spotlight)Tour DebutSong DebutCover
1 of 3
1 of 4