Oct 23, 1987
Rupp Arena (Lexington, Kentucky)
Tour Rarity Rank: 96th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Where the Streets Have No Name
69 of 97
73 of 945
2. I Will Follow
81 of 109
549 of 1061
3. Trip Through Your Wires
59 of 83
61 of 152
4. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
82 of 110
84 of 683
5. MLK
78 of 99
172 of 321
6. The Unforgettable Fire
80 of 93
182 of 259
7. Exit
with "Riders on the Storm", Van Morrison's "Gloria", and "Silver and Gold" snippets
81 of 109
82 of 177
8. In God's Country
78 of 103
80 of 179
9. Sunday Bloody Sunday
80 of 108
303 of 948
10. Help!Cover
39 of 57
45 of 72
11. People Get ReadyCover
37 of 55
40 of 99
12. Bad
81 of 108
179 of 564
13. October
73 of 93
326 of 399
14. New Year's Day
81 of 108
296 of 816
15. Pride (In the Name of Love)
81 of 109
200 of 1026
16. Bullet the Blue SkyEncore
81 of 109
81 of 791
17. Running to Stand StillEncore
81 of 109
81 of 411
18. With or Without YouEncore
with "40" snippet
80 of 108
80 of 879