May 1, 1983
State University of New York at Stony Brook (Stony Brook, New York)
Tour Rarity Rank: 39th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Gloria
37 of 84
144 of 441
2. I Threw a Brick Through a Window
36 of 58
129 of 164
3. A Day Without Me
36 of 58
138 of 173
4. Seconds
35 of 79
35 of 189
5. Surrender
31 of 80
45 of 145
6. Sunday Bloody Sunday
35 of 85
53 of 948
7. The Cry
35 of 77
193 of 362
8. The Electric Co.
36 of 79
227 of 508
9. I Fall Down
36 of 75
141 of 195
10. October
36 of 75
106 of 399
11. Tomorrow
36 of 38
39 of 157
12. New Year's Day
36 of 85
52 of 816
13. Two Hearts Beat as One
32 of 80
32 of 145
14. Twilight
34 of 77
208 of 257
15. Out of Control
35 of 80
277 of 440
16. Trash, Trampoline and the Party GirlEncore
30 of 63
30 of 200
17. 11 O'Clock Tick TockEncore
36 of 76
292 of 450
18. I Will FollowEncore
36 of 82
314 of 1061
19. 40Encore
35 of 83
36 of 492